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Nursery & Toy Storage

How do you declutter? 

For some people, decluttering the house is easy. Keep the items that “spark joy” (thanks, Marie Kondo) and get rid of bits you don’t use to achieve a minimalist lifestyle. But when you’re a parent with growing children, being minimalist goes out of the window. Instead, you regularly buy clothes and toys to fit changing body sizes and interests. So every now and then, you may look around on those toy-scattered days and think to yourself ‘It’s time to declutter...’ but where do you even start? We’ve made getting organised as easy as 1, 2, 3, with these easy steps—oh, how handy!

1. Pick a place

Start by figuring out where in the room you want to organise: the wardrobe, space under the bed, the arts & crafts area or maybe even just one over-stuffed drawer. Picking one place to start with will prevent you from feeling overwhelmed. A spot that is used quite often is a good place to start as this could really improve your day-to-day household goings on. Decluttering isn’t an overnight job, so start small and celebrate those wins!

2. Needs vs wants

Take a moment to assess what you truly need and actively use (not those pesky “just-in-case” items that hide in the back of cupboards). Start by identifying the essentials that genuinely serve a purpose in your daily routine, as this will help you to start getting rid of items that don’t add value to your life—whether it’s a gadget you bought on a whim, a trend that didn’t stick, or a well-meaning gift that didn’t quite hit the mark. By focusing on the things you use consistently, you know what items to prioritise and keep in a reachable place as you tidy.

3. Store or donate

Pop all your ‘needs’ (and perhaps a few special ‘wants’) back in place. Consider which of the items are long-term storage or short-term. For certain items, many parents organise them into categories by the age of which their children would need them. This handy forward-planning means that when items are no longer needed due to age suitability, you can donate any you don’t want as a keepsake. Share these bits with friends or families with little ones, or consider donating them to charities.


Decluttering tips

• We know sometimes you’ll want your mess to be completely out of sight and out of mind, but if you want your little one to keep on top of tidying, it can be helpful to use storage bags where possible or storage boxes without lids to avoid any additional barriers for kids when tidying. Open-top containers give little ones the nudge they need to pop things away neatly.

• For the bits you need, and reach for every day, consider popping them on nursery shelves so they are easy to grab (this tip also works for keeping your more special or decorative ‘wants’ out of reach of little hands, too.)

• Add intent to every purchase by considering toy rotation and clothes rotation. A small and balanced selection of toys and clothes out at one time clears up the physical space for extra play while simplifying every outfit choice.

• Try to keep baby changing bags fully stocked to clear some nappy storage space in their nursery.

• Aim to keep things like boxes and containers only 3/4 full and keep some space spare. If boxes and draws are organised, but still jam-packed, it creates another snag to keep things tidy.

• When tidying a kids’ arts and crafts corner, store in places only you can reach (especially glitter, slime and sticky glues!) You might even be holding onto bits that are a “just-in-case” item for your kids when creativity comes calling. But the great thing about crafts is imagination, so if you don’t have something specific, there will always be an alternative.

• Focus on favourites. This is good when it comes to toys and it’s a great way to involve kids. Think about their current cycle of interests, if they’ve grown out of an obsession, perhaps it’s time to persuade them to donate.

• Remember, baby steps at first! Decluttering and decision-making can be overwhelming and emotionally tiring, so by sectioning out a specific area, storage box or space, it’s much easier to manage the chaos when broken down into bitesize pieces.

• Create a memory box. It’s hard not to get nostalgic when tidying up. Especially when your little ones are growing and changing. Make sure their memories are all in one place with a keepsake box, think about special items that might spark memories from those remember-forever days, and it’ll be the perfect gift to share with them one day when they’re all grown up.

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